Sunday, January 11, 2009

Reader of Blogs

I read lots of blogs. I find is to interesting to see how other women are dealing with life, job, love and most recently being a mommy. I however, am not sure that I am ready to devuldge information about myself and what I am feeling on the internet. I am pretty personal about my life--I dont like to complain and I dont necessarily like to let others know what I am feeling (unless of course I am married to them---that only leaves one wonderful man). I am always interested in the candor with others are able to blog, it makes relating to them that much easier, it also comforts me that yes---I am not the only other person in the world struggling with issues grand issues. However, I am still not ready to open myself up...and honestly I think that is ok. At this stage, I am simply just glad that I am writing at all, it keeps my mind flowing and gives me something to do that involves sitting and quasi-relaxing, two things I am terrible at and realize I need to improve on (especially before baby arrives--YAY).

As a side note, I have started my fifth book my race to read 100 books. I am officially almost 5% done, it must be the mathametician in me...or the compulsive side of me that likes order, but I always feel better when things are put into percentages. Odd..I know.

Well, though it is only 6:30 (AM not PM) I am off to clean the kitchen. I can not sleep (too much of morning person), I might as well start ticking away at my to-do list (just another one of my compulsive tendencies).
Enjoy the day!


Anonymous said...

Ha - take your time - it's all about what works for you!

OIn another note, we jsut got a foot of snow here in N.H. kinda like what we used to get in the Cuse. lol. Except this time, we have a snow blower and don't have to shovel or force certain other people to shovel.

Anonymous said...

I appear pretty open on my blog, and I am to a certain extent. That said, I am like you, I don't air negativity usually. I am a believer what you give you get back multiplied. I also tend to avoid blogs who are negative. I think there is enough without me adding to it. Ya know?

You'll find your balance in time. It took me over a year to get mine.